The Body Rebuilder Difference:

We believe in looking at the body through a whole body approach. We assess posture, daily movement patterns, mobility, muscle imbalances, soft tissue dysfunction + more.

We will utilize a variety of techniques depending on your specific needs as a client, no two session will ever be the same. We utilize tools such as cupping, and IASTM, as well as corrective exercise to help assist when needed.


Our focus is working with the body and not against it – we do this through proper breathwork, palpation, our pain scale method and communication to ensure that our clients are comfortable and never leaving the session feeling worse than when they started.

The goal with Body Rebuilder is exactly what it sounds like – to REBUILD the body. 

Every session we want you to leave being able to move more freely and function optimally.


What to expect:

This is not your typical spa setting. We are located in a large bodybuilding gym – so the atmosphere is not for everyone. If you are looking for essential oils and meditation music, we are most likely not your jam.

ALTHOUGH – don’t count us out. 

If you’ve been having long lasting pain, difficulties with movements, or numbing/tingling.. We may just be able to assist you better than a spa or relaxation massage could.

During your sessions you will be asked to lay down, get up, & move around. This is to ensure that we are able to both activate under-active muscles while relieving tension from over-active muscles. Because of this we ask our clients to come prepared in shorts for males and shorts/sports bra for women.

We work with both the superficial and deep tissues of the body. This means that the session may not always be comfortable but you should never be in extreme pain.

More pain does NOT equal more results. 

As stated above our goal is to work with your body and not against it.

At the end of the day this is YOUR session and we always want our clients to get the most out of their time with us. Your feedback and communication MATTER to us during the session and after the session – we are better when we understand exactly what you feel.